Overview and Quick Facts
The NTP Security Project, or "NTPsec", is an open source project that is security hardening and updating the widely used reference implementation of the Network Time Protocol.
NTP is how the Internet keeps correct time, which is critically important for cybersecurity, and is necessary for finance, cloud computing, media streaming, data storage, email, calendaring, and for keeping the clock on most personal computers set correctly.
NTP was invented by one of the original creators of the internet itself, Dr. David L. Mills, now Professor Emeritus at the University of Delaware. Dr. Mills was also the original architect of the original reference implementation, now called "NTP Classic", that the NTP Security Project is updating.
Press Releases
Press Articles and Reports
O’Reilly Security Conference: Saving Time by Susan Sons (http://slides.com/hedgemage/savingtime#/)
O’Reilly Media: The Internet is going to fall down if I don’t fix this (https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/the-internet-is-going-to-fall-down-if-i-dont-fix-this-susan-sons)
Boingboing: The internet’s core infrastructure is dangerously unsupported and could crumble by Cory Doctorow (https://boingboing.net/2016/11/11/the-Internets-core-infrastru.html)
The Observer: Too Big to Fail Open-Source Software Needs Hacker Help by Brady Dale (http://observer.com/2016/11/open-source-too-big-to-fail/)
Linode-cube: Why You Should Consider Moving From NTP to NTPsec by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (https://medium.com/linode-cube/why-you-should-consider-moving-from-ntp-to-ntpsec-edab616b6740#.827zogvkl)
Upguard: GOTTA GET BACK IN TIME: NEW NTP VULNERABILITIES AND NTPSEC (https://www.upguard.com/blog/gotta-get-back-in-time-new-ntp-vulnerabilities-and-ntpsec)
CircleID: NTP: The Most Neglected Core Internet Protocol by Gunter Ollmann (http://www.circleid.com/posts/20161205_ntp_the_most_neglected_core_Internet_protocol/)
Information Week: Linux Foundation Funds NTP (http://www.informationweek.com/cloud/infrastructure-as-a-service/linux-foundation-funds-ntps-father-time/d/d-id/1321775)
ZD Net: Saving NTP (http://www.zdnet.com/article/saving-time-the-funding-of-ntp)
Center for Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure, Year Three Report, Section 4.11 - Network Time Protocol (https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/2022/20401/CTSC%20Year%203%20Report_v3ASC.pdf)
Blog and Social Media
The NTPsec Project Blog is at (http://blog.ntpsec.org).
Contact Information
For more information, contact:
Mark Atwood
Project Manager pro-tem
NTP Security Project