We encourage community involvement. Here are some of the ways you can contribute:
Report bugs and send patches
Open-source code review is the heart of our process. We welcome bug reports and fix patches. We’ll be happy to work with casual contributors, casual contributors who want to become regulars, and regulars who aspire to join the core team. See our Communications channels page to find the bugtracker and mailing lists.
Sign up as a platform maintainer
The core team can’t be everywhere, nor can we cover every operating system and hardware platform collaboration. If the POSIX/C99 build breaks in your special environment, consider working with us as a platform maintainer.
Donate to support the project
NTP is critical infrastructure that has fallen into disrepair. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done on it. The core team has the skills and experience to get the job done, but it’s going to take many person-years of concentrated attention to get it done - beyond the limit of what unpaid voluntarism can sustain. Also, some of the test hardware we need is specialized and expensive.
Accurate time is the beating pulse of the Internetted world economy. If you are a business or government agency or wealthy individual that relies on the Internet, you rely on NTP.
Please give generously - the civilization you save may be your own.
We accept donations via Click and Pledge and via Liberapay.
We also accept donations via PayPal to the Software in the Public Interest.